Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Tuesday 31st January

Word Problems made up by Y5.


We investigated statements to see if they were true. 
Does an even number multiplied by an odd number make an even number?
Here are our findings.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Friday 20th January

Starry Nights - We looked at Vincent Van Gogh's painting and used it as stimulus for our own paintings.

Kian brought in his planet model to show us.

Sun rise near school at 8am.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

January 13th 2012

Year 5 are great mathematicians and they worked really hard when learning how to add and subtract decimals in columns.

In Literacy this week we have been reading from Wind in the Willows.
We thought about the characters and wrote words to describe them.

Each day we fill in our planners. Here is an example.

Gold Book - Each week two children are chosen to be in the Gold Book because they have shown super behaviour and a great attitude to their learning.
Well done Hollie and Ben!

More literacy - punctuation work this time!

 Science/Art  Look at our stunning Planets drawn using pastels and chalks. Well done year 5!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

January 6th 2012

Happy New Year!
Year 5 enjoyed finding out about the Earth, Sun and Moon. 
 We worked with decimal fractions this week.

 Our new science books are looking good!

Christmas 2011

End of Term
Look at our calendars!

 Talent show

 Christmas party - Santa called!