Saturday, 16 March 2013

A few things we've been up to recently


  1. Well done year 5 a great presentation, my two favourite things, pirates and space,my dad thought i was a space cadet when i was young, and i want to be a pirate when i grow up.
    good work all of you.
    ela be more careful with your writing your spelling is atrosh, attrow, attero,.....rubbish!
    Love ela's grandad

  2. I really enjoyed the exhibition because it gave you a chance to show your work off and be proud because about everyone saying it was good

  3. I enjoyed our exhibition it was realy fun also very hot the hall was filled with exciting and intresting things that made peoples faces light up. One day i want to do another exhibition.

  4. my favourite work was the solar systems and shazia art.I loved the exhibition that we had yesterday it was fun. by Abbie

  5. it was realy good and i am verry porud or my work and was most briliant at shazia art

  6. I loved our exhibition,
    It was so fun I loved the part when my mum came It was so exsiting.

  7. we did an exhibtion yesterday I realy liked when the perants came in to look


  8. I really enjoyed the exhibition lots of people were asking me about the shazia art

  9. I really liked it when all the classes came in

  10. I really enjoyed doing the chalk art it was my best.

  11. I thought our exhibition was great and i enjoyed most of it me and tom at the start dident have many visitors but soon we got some. our solar system seemed to attract alot of attention and toms shazia art did too.

  12. I really enjoyed doing the solar systems and doing the shazia art, I enjoyed everything.

  13. I liked doing the solar systems it was fun the best bit was painting

  14. I enjoyed it lots and I would really like to do it again it was really fun.I am glad my dad came in to see my work he realy liked it too. The class really worked hard on all the work and Mr.Lee was proud of us too it was great.

  15. I enjoyed the exhibition it was good,I mostly enjoyed people asking questions!,I would do another exhibition.

  16. Although I wasent there yesterday i enjoyed doin Shizia art.

  17. what i liked yestoday was when i told people about my shaza art and my maths

  18. we had so much fun making model solar systems and doing our own shazia art.

  19. Hi it is me Alyssa I havent been on the bloog. Yesrstday I have enjoyed the ehibition Miar in year1 like my maths boock and thats why I like it.

    from Alyssa

  20. our exebition was amasing we absalutley loved it we had so much fun!!!!!!

  21. I enjoyed the exhibition and the people looking at my work/groups solar system.

  22. I wonder was that really hard to do all that work it must of been hard from lewis

  23. I really like yesterday because of amazing art work and all of the aliens. the art and space project is really fascinating I have read about some of the space but I didn't learn that much about space. I think that getting all of the polystyrene balls were really expensive, I can't believe that all together you spent £40 on them. That is a lot of money indeed. Did the class have to pay, did you or was it the school that payed all that money?

  24. i like hannah broght in space rock in school from sade

  25. your exabition was brilliant I liked the art.What is it called? Dougie

  26. I really liked your exhibision your work looked cool It must of been hard


  27. fantastic it you think it is too?

  28. The exabition there was good work. Brennan
